A large part of the problem with understanding these issues is that they are expressed in real life terms, rather than the dynamics driving them, so it does become emotional and tribal.
As you point out, the same dynamic seemed to exist in both Germany and now in Israel. As well as in varying degrees, other situations, where advantaged groups use their power in feedback loops to expand that power, until some explosion occurs.
So while we might say, "Never again," it keeps happening.
One aspect about life and reality is that while we may think what signals we extract from the noise are the most logical ones, the fact is those that synchronize with our prior beliefs are the ones that most easily bond with and reenforce our models of how things are. Then we tend to surround ourselves and bond to those on similar wavelengths. Which creates ever more powerful feedback loops.
Yet this dynamic, that creates social super organisms, exists in an ever larger ecosystem, where such systems are constantly building up and breaking down in ways that generate an overall harmony. No one wave forms across the entire ocean.
In fact, the very essence of waves is created by the contrasting energies of the medium.
So even if we most fervently believe our tribal deity is the one and only, whether it's Aryan, or Jewish, the reality is we are spiraling down a rabbit hole and the more we become disconnected from that larger reality, the greater the negative feedback eventually becomes.
Given the Jewish tribal deity became the locus of Western civilization, the storm is that much greater.
Though the real hole in the side of the ship is the fact that with the banks in effective control of the political systems, finance capitalism is hollowing out the strength of our enforcement mechanisms. Such as making weapons is more about profits and quelling restless natives, so fighting peer to peer is a lost cause and we helicopter off embassy roofs eventually.
As Israel doesn't have oceans of oil to power their theocracy, but is dependent on tapping into that global wealth, the situation looks messy.