Actually the military industrial complex is just the trophy wife of the banking cartel.
The Federal debt has been constantly growing for 90 years. It started with the New Deal, so not only was Roosevelt putting unemployed labor back to work, but unemployed capital, as well
Then Work War 2 came along, as history's biggest public works project.
As these linear, goal oriented creatures in a cyclical, circular, feedback generated reality, people see money as signal to extract and store, while markets need it to circulate. So in order to store the asset side of the ledger, a debt has to be created to back it.
The secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth.
The wars are just useful way to spend it, so more can be borrowed and no one can challenge the powers that be.
The story is that Paul Volcker cured inflation by raising interest rates, yet that starved credit to those willing to borrow and grow the economy from businesses to houses, while putting more money in the pockets of those with more than they needed, so were lending it out. All of which would only seem to increase the problem of surplus capital sloshing around the economy.
What cured inflation was Reaganomics borrowing up that surplus money and spending it in ways the private sector never would, like bigger armies.
One way the Fed tightens the money supply and raises rates is sell some of the federal debt they bought to issue the money in the first place, so if the Treasury is simply issuing more debt, not only does it have the same effect, but it gets spent in ways that create more economic activity, in the military industrial complex.
So it's more than just the psychopaths, but their paymasters that really drive the situation.
As Smedley Butler put it, "War is a racket."