An interesting book to consider is, The Five Stages of Greek Religion, by Gilbert Murray;
Part of his thesis is the Olympian gods failed, because as they coalesced from primal memes and impulses into the static forms of the classic age, they lost that underlaying, motivating vitality and while still useful for social and communal connections and communication, lost the potency of immediacy.
Much like the religions of today still provide the cultural backbone and conceptual paradigms, but there is the sense of being spiritually lost.
As such, the monotheism of Christianity was a movement to find that ever deeper meaning.
The Trinity came from the cycles of the year gods, as the son reborn of the sky father and earth mother. Which was why Christianity seemed to be the next step forward, as a metaphorical expression of that need to start over.
Which was quashed when the Romans co-opted gnostic Christianity to be the religion of the realm. As such, the eternal institution of the Catholic Church could not abide the premise of regeneration as its core premise and had to be plastered over with various re-interpretations of the Trinity. At least until Luther tried what Jesus(Zeus?) tried with Judaism, push the reset button.
As such, we are back in a similar situation today. The old religions have calcified and the quest for personal gratification has become threadbare and devisive.
I think we need to step back and actually look at the world as it is, not as our fears and desires try to formulate it.
Talking of archtypes, there are two major ones that should be taken into account.
As the executive and regulatory function of society, government is analogous to the central nervous system, while money and banking, as the value circulation system, is analogous to blood and the arteries of society. If we placed them in that context, would their roles become more clear?
Money functions as the social contract enabling mass society, but we treat it as a commodity to mine from society. Markets need it to circulate, while people want to save and store it. Blood is a medium, fat is a store. Does it suggest where some of our economic rampages originate?
Logically a spiritual absolute would be the essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which we fell. The light shining through the film, than the images on it.
Though it is the mind, the need to sort, order and judge, that has to make the decisions, so it prioritizes judgement over desire.
Obviously the reality is they are two sides of the same coin, but in our monolithic paradigm, only one can be prime.
Galaxies are energy radiating out, as form coalesces in.
I'm getting away from Murray here, but it is a discussion society will have to have.
Synchronization is centripetal, while harmonization is centrifugal. Nodes and networks, organisms and ecosystems, governments and economies, particles and fields.
We fluctuate somewhere inbetween, as that sentient interface between body and world.