And the essential, underlaying system is thermodynamics. Galaxies are energy radiating out, as form coalesces in. We evolve/evolved in a thermodynamic environment, but we tend to see it as linear and causal, rather than the feedback in which our actions are embedded.
Time is emergent from causality, which is energy exchange. Today doesn’t cause tomorrow, the sun shining on a spinning planet creates this effect called days.
What powers a wave is the energy driving it, while what we see and measure are the fluctuations, undulations, frequencies and amplitudes that emerge from its activity. So while the energy goes past to future, the information goes future to past. Quantum Mechanics tries to formulate reality out of the information and ignores the energy driving it. Quanta are more the fluctuations, than the energy.
The world is round, but our systems still tend to be flat, if not just linear and goal oriented.
The information goes to equilibrium, while the energy goes to infinity. Everything cancelling out, versus everything fading out. We are the fluctuations in the middle.
As Emerson said, “We are but thickened light.”