
Another way to explain the flatness problem is the space expanding between galaxies is balanced by the space contracting into them. Consequently when we view distant galaxies, it is only light that traveled that inbetween, expanding space, so it only seems the overall universe is expanding. That this rate goes parabolic is simply due to this effect compounding on itself, not some additional dark energy to explain that curve in the rate.

Basically Hubble having discovered Einstein's original cosmological constant, the balance to gravity.

Then what we have are feedback loops, both positive, building up complexity and negative, breaking it down.

The fluctuation and feedback between equilibrium and infinity. The energy expanding toward infinity, as the present goes to the future, while the patterns, the fluctuations generated, settle back to equilibrium and recede into the past.

Time as cyclical and circular feedback loops, not linear.



John Brodix Merryman Jr.
John Brodix Merryman Jr.

Written by John Brodix Merryman Jr.

Having an affair with life. It's complicated.

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