The physics of those delusions is classic feedback loop. Spiraling down the self reenforcing rabbit hole.
When we build electric systems, we tend to install circuit breakers, to keep them from building up too much energy and melting the wiring.
The Ancients devised debt jubilees by 3000 years ago, as circuit breakers to the feedback loop of compound interest, yet here we are, stuck in the same doom loop.
"Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." was a circuit breaker to the Bronze Age tribalism, exemplified by Israel at the time and resurrected in its current incarnation.
As "Turn the other cheek." was a circuit breaker to eye for an eye.
Nodes and networking. Organisms and ecosystems. Competition and cooperation.
So that also goes to my point about how our linear concept of time tends to obscure the far more fundamental circularity and reciprocity.
You can't argue with those people, because logic is meaningless to them. It's all about the herd. You have to take it further up stream.
Of course, those up stream are down different rabbit holes. Try pointing out to a philosophy major that ideals are not absolutes, if they really want to refute monotheism, or to an economist that money can't be both medium and store, but their minds are stuffed with their own schools of beliefs.
A lot of what powers the religious nuts, is the sense of powerlessness against these ivied towers, police states, multinational corporations, etc, so there is basic mob mentality. The herds of people.
So I'm just hoping for that window, when some quantity of people are both willing to look outside the various boxes, but not yet totally melting down.