My sense is that England has a much more fractured, essentially caste system than has been acceptable to admit. Between the globalists and the working class and as usual, there is a lot of divide and conquer, between immigrants and the working class, to keep attention away from the one's actually sucking society dry.
The same is going on in this country, to keep working class whites off balance.
As Bob Dylan observed many years ago, from studying the roots of folk music, the Jim Crow laws were designed to keep Blacks and poor whites from identifying along class lines.
Right now the professional management class, the PMC, as it's being referred to, feels compelled to side with the corporate overlords, especially against the uncouth Trump.
As Twain said, whenever you find yourself with the majority, start to question your beliefs.
The herd is being herded.
As for the financial mess, the Fed put, as it's called, goes back to Alan Greenspan, in 87.
Though the roots of that go to the hollowing out of American manufacturing, in favor of financialization, that was the driving element of Nixon going to China. Which quickly became the mass producer of so much of low end products, gradually moving up the scale. Basically following in Japan's footsteps.
One point I keep making, so you might have seen it already, is the Federal debt really began with the New Deal, so not only was Roosevelt putting unemployed labor back to work, but unemployed capital as well. The secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth.
The problem now, is the parasites have pretty much sucked everyone dry that they can globally, since Russia has showed the rest of the world it can be stopped, so now that appetite is turning inward.
It's not like it can be turned off, given the degree to which it is primal greed and power running amok and anyone or anything standing in its path becomes one more obstacle, adversary.
Basically it's religion and it has to crash.
Efficiency is to do more with less, so peak efficiency is when we can do everything with nothing.
Basically just trade credits and debts.
Feedback loops with no circuit breakers.
The black hole at the center of the vortex.