You know the history far better than I.
My point is not to make the same mistake Zionism has. To find ways to heal wounds, than cause more.
As I see, it, Israel's worst enemy is itself. Think of it as having an abused childhood, that while quite smart, has always had an extremely violent side, as you well know.
Prior to Oct 7th, the society was tearing itself apart, but with stomping on Gaza as a way to bring itself back together, it seems to be in the holed up in the house with the hostages stage. In the coming months, it seems likely the fact it is terminally broken, no plan B, will become increasingly evident.
Consequently the desire amounts to suicide by cop. To drive the Middle East, if not the rest of the world, further into war.
That's where making the case the country is mentally broken would be more effective than fighting it out. Which would play into their need for violence.
How to make that case is the question, but I suspect events will make it more clear.
If Joe Biden thinks they need a "come to Jesus" moment, it is bad.
Not only do they have that deistic assumption, but coupled with the Holocaust as their birth, the effect is a sociopathic narcissist.