That's the whole goal orientation thing.
While reality is cyclical, circular, reciprocal and feedback generated.
It might seem simple and basic, but human psychology, at least Western culture, is founded on goal seeking. Even when they realize the goal is BS, they just get all whiny about it, not realize their tail chasing is just going other directions.
It's a dance, not a race.
If not Jesus and salvation, then for the "normal, sensible, practical" people, it's that pile of money that gives them status, or at least allows them to function in this society. Irrespective of the fact a medium is not a store. Owning a medium is like owning the section of road you are on, or the air and water flowing through your body.
To store the asset side of the ledger, there has to be a debt to back it. Much of which is public, backing private wealth.
That the psychotic half wits charged with running up this public debt use it to blow up various corners of the world, for whatever reason necessary, is really more effect than cause. Basically delinquent children given matches and gasoline.
Rather than this value being plowed back into the society running up the debt to support it, it goes to the knuckle draggers with the guns, cause they are the cool kids.
So the reality is those thermodynamic feedback loops, shit going round, even if we want to stick our fingers in our ears and run after whatever herd we want to be part of.
Consequently the only way that reality check is going to happen, is when the ball cannot be kicked down the road any further and it all blows up.
The levels of basic conceptual cluelessness are overwhelming.
More yin and yang, than God Almighty.