It is extremely ridiculous, given there are no serious physical threats to the West, but quite a few overwhelming economic ones. Though the people with the power in the West are too invested in the MIC to realize how seriously they are missing the real problems.
While the Banking cartels just assume any chaos can be monetized.
I've done a fair amount of cutting out old trees and you would be surprised how hollowed out they can get, before they die and/or just fall over. The core is rotted out, just like so much of the West.
Given the degree to which supporting the Warsaw Pact was a factor in bringing down the Soviet Union, the idea the Russians want to go boss around a bunch of egocentric Europeans again, when they already have more territory, relatively unspoiled territory at that, is ridiculous.
Meanwhile the Chinese are buying up American farmland hand over fist. Why fight for it, when you can just spend some of the excess dollars laying around, after the banks gifted you most of the manufacturing sector already.
Reality is to be avoided at all costs.
Was going to watch the Biden press conference, but all the streams just show, "Will begin shortly." Half hour after it was supposed to start.