I have a half uncle, about four years older than me, who went to the Air Force Academy, back in the 70's.
My sense, back then was that Christian Fundamantalism was a big thing, in the military.
That totem pole in the middle of the village, they were the warriors defending.
So the Israel obsession is far more deeply bound into the American psyche, than just Jewish bankers.
My sense that's where Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House, is coming from, as well as a lot of those Republicans tilting toward Trump.
So Trump gets it from both directions, his base and all those Jewish finance types he grew up around, in NYC.
Notice a lot of the military twitterX accounts are instinctively pro-Israel. Especially since Arab Terrorists became the fall guy, after the Soviets quit and the MIC had to find another boogyman. A lot of these people did tours through Afghanistan and Iraq.
The psychosis runs a lot deeper than any rationality.