As Emerson put it; “We are but thickened light.”
The logical flaw in monotheism is that a spiritual absolute would be that essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of knowledge and wisdom from which we fell. We have this top down father figure lawgiver and his ten commandments for social order, not spiritual insight. It’s that consciousness shining through life and thought, not the forms it takes. Like we look out through two eyes, it looks out through multitudes of selves. Each of us a particular lens, actually multiple lens. Often we, or at least me, crosses my sense with others lenses and for a moment, they are me. Like using a tool, it becomes another extension of me, or maybe I’m an extension of it/them.
The older you get, the stranger it gets. You seem to have much of it together, but be careful what doors you open. Some of it does stick.