As I see it, I'm talking about the mechanics of a car and you want to know how I would apply it to the style and features. Yes, different cultures have different styles and features. Some are more like all-terrain vehicles, some are sports cars, some family cars, some luxury.
Which is all well and good and necessary to take into account, when we are using them, but when the situation is as it is today, where there appears to be the most monumental crash in history on the horizon, it might be useful to understand the basic dynamics, how it will affect current cultures and how people might eventually move on and learn from it.
In terms of Stephen Jay Gould's, Punctuated Equilibrium, as an evolutionary cycle, the equilibrium stage selects for complexity and specialization, as every niche and resource is filled and used. Which results in organisms that are not that adaptable when the punctuation occurs. Which selects for flexibility and adaptability.
As our supply chains start breaking down, as the current powers that be lose sight of the foundations of the economy and drive it off a cliff, trying to sustain their particular management functions, we are starting to see this process at work.
Sometimes it pays to be a generalist, rather than a specialist.
Also, Brands! A lot of culture is what brand/team, etc. you belong.
That's the time and history side, as opposed to the space side, of how it's designed/evolved to deal with needs and situations.