As Philip K Dick put it; "Reality is what doesn't go away, when you stop believing in it."
It seems our greatest artifice is our ability to delude ourselves.
People don't want truths. They want answers. That's why there are so many priests and politicians, while the philosophers are intellectually neutered and confined to the back alleys of academia.
Stoicism anyone?
We are mobile organisms and so we perceive reality as this linear flow, yet much of life is flora. They don't need this sequence of perceptions, as an interface between body and world, in order to navigate, so there is no sense of linearity, just the rising and falling of temperatures and pressures. Which is essential to what we call emotion. Which is what drives us, in this race against and toward our desires.
While we are all each the center of our entire universe, it is fleeting and few find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Maybe it is more journey than destination.
Maybe the plants have it right. Find our spot and soak it in. One where the pressure and temperature is good enough to relax, but not so comfortable as to melt.
Without the ups and downs, it's a flatline.