Ask yourself a simple question; Could the capital markets function, without the government siphoning up trillions in surplus investment money?
The answer is no. The secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth. The wars and military are just an overflow pipe. Which explains why they are all so momunmentally inept and no one is held to account.
The federal debt really began growing with the New Deal, so not only was Roosevelt putting unemployed labor back to work, but unemployed capital as well.
Then WW2 switched it over to the military and there was no turning it off.
Money functions as a social contract, enabling markets to function. As such, it's medium, like blood. Meanwhile, people, as linear goal oriented organisms, see it as a commodity to mine from the economy and store, like fat.
So ever more has to be added and ever more metastatic ways to store what has been extracted have to be devised. Since the asset is backed by debt, this means creating as much debt as possible.
There isn't the investment potential for everyone to save individually, but we do save for many of the same reasons, so the commons could be resurrected, but that would mean we would have to switch our entire social philosophy from universal rights, to universal reponsibilties, with rights as reward.
We would have to replace montheism, worship of the big guy on top, to understanding a spiritual absolute is the essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which we fell.
So, no shot. Prepare for the oligarchs battling it out, until it solidifies back into monarchy. Democracy and republicanism, which arose in pantheistic cultures, only really work when constant growth is possible and compounding debt doesn't count as growth in the long term.
Debt doesn't matter, until it does.