At a very basic level, what I see as being missed is that synchronization is centripetal, while harmonization is centrifugal. Consequently the distinction of nodes and networks, organisms and ecosystems.
I've noticed that even those enmeshed in the sciences overlook this. I took Tim Anderson to task a few months ago, for mixing them up and have been pointing it out to various others on medium as well.
It is that as these mobile organisms, we have to contstantly sort and order the information of our lives, so we tend to distill it down to the most basic patterns. Signals from the noise, so to speak. Which tends to focus on the objects over the context expressing them. The synchronization. From monotheistic religion to capitalism, we try to reduce all the complexities and detail of reality down to single concepts.
Yet consider that democracy and republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures, as they were how the Ancients symbolized diversity.
Or that we treat the social contract enabling large societies, their currency, as a commodity to mine from society, with no circuit breakers as all wealth spirals into an ever more dense feedback loop.
When it's millions and billions of people, it's not morality, or politics, or culture, or economics, or finance, it's physics and biology.
Our current culture is quickly coming to resemble nothing so much as a scab, slowing and increasingly rapidly, peeling away from the underlaying organism. It's just a question of what side you take.