At least you are making a sincere effort, but you have a long way to go, to even begin to peel away the layers.
For one thing, do not, do not, assume Fascism and Nazism are interchangeable, just because Hitler and Mussolini were allied.
Fascism was an alliance between business and government. What its proponents today would call a public private partnership and what its opponents call regulatory capture. The revolving door between government and business, of which we are quite familiar.
Nazism, national socialism, was extremely tribal in nature. Hitler made it a contrast between culture and civilization. Germany was seriously economically crushed in the aftermath of WW1 and so there was that ancient European history of warring tribes, that he reached back into.
Not to paint it too broadly, but the Italians are internationalists, while the Germans are nationalists.
The whole Rome versus the Barbarian Hordes, remember?
A lot of it has to do with geography. Italy, like England, has lots of coasts, so they can sail off and trade with foreign lands, but not be permanantly threatened by them.
The Germans, on the other hand, are mostly landlocked, so there is thousands of years of having the enemies right here on the other side of the mountain, or across the river.
As for politics, every society that ever existed will have those supporting and enforcing culture, custom and convention, versus those pushing against and looking for the cracks and inconsistancies. Conservatives and liberals.
Generally because one side has the advantage and the other doesn't, but also the simple fact of nature that not every acorn gets to be an oak tree. If a society doesn't develop some form of selection process, from aristocracy to meritocracy, nature will do it anyway and those groups making poor long term choices tend to be on the losing end.
It is as basic as the heart and the head. The anarchies of desire, versus the tyrannies of judgement.
Reality is a function of contrasts, divisions, conflicts, tensions. If everything was all one, it would simply be an entropically neutral state.
Yet we are linear, goal oriented creatures in a cyclical, reciprocal, feedback generated reality, so while we think that if something is good, more is always better, but it doesn't work out that way. Wisdom is being able to judge and qualify our actions, not just rush off after our desires.
Not every desire is healthy, nor is every decision wise. Trial and error.