Before that happens, it will take a serious cultural shift, from trying to frame reality in terms of goals and monolithic assumptions, where we are on some path to the ideal state, be it heaven, the biggest bank account, hyper individualism, paternalistic state, etc, to one were we begin to sense the feedback between the organism and ecosystem, the node and the network, individual and society, two way street, nature and nurture, energy driving, structure coalescing, etc. in those larger feedback loops.
Personally I'm not that connected, media wise, because I do spend most of my time outside, working, but medium has been my primary hangout for the last couple of years and while I don't put up too many of my own pieces, because they don't make it to the top of any lists, I do go around and comment on other's essays, hoping to build a conversation and find ways to peel away some of the assumptions, but the response rate is pretty low. For various reasons, people really don't want to look too far under the surface of their views. Some simply because it doesn't click, others because they have invested too much into their worldviews and can't afford to question them. As a friend once put it, "Stop it, you are hurting my brain."
So I suspect the current financial bubble will have to work its magic and suck all life out of this current economy, so that people have no choice, other than to sit back and ask what might be missing.
Not that I have huge hopes, given the current trajectory is towards further economic and political consolidation, to the point the US breaks into different territories and they can just blame their problems on each other, than asking any deeper questions.
People like those simple, yes/no, good/bad answers, especially when times are tough.
Sorry I'm not giving any immediate hope, but I keep plugging away, pushing through any cracks in the narrative I can find.
So on a personal level, just keep building out your own network, emotionally, economically, socially. Though admittedly much of the connections out there are somewhat toxic and best steered around. We live in interesting times.
Off to work...