We are always going to be trapped between desire pushing out and knowledge coalescing in. The heart seeking transcendence of all form and the head seeking order in everything.
The issue is one of pacing and perspective. Are we like addicts, constantly seeking out the next high, or can we step back and savor what comes to us?
The turtle is still plodding along, long after the rabbit has died.
This edifice of consumer culture we all feel compelled to feed, because it gives us the little scripts to feed our own appetites, has going parabolic and it’s now crashing, as the future we've been borrowing against has arrived.
Is it meaningless, or do we just assign our own desires for the ideal tidbit to it and it just stares back at our incoherence?
If we want meaning, isn't it a function of being one with our context, nodes in the network, organisms in the ecosystem, bricks in the wall? Then we are also part of that larger whole.
Yes, it feeds us, as we feed it, but then our will is how we moderate, or speed up, the pace of the immediate environment, relative to us and the broader cosmos, bringing the three into some equilibrium.