Both free will and determinism are flawed concepts.
If the will were free of cause, it would be equally free of effect and that is the entire premise of will, to have an effect.
The problem with determinism is that we view time narratively, as the point of the present moving past to future. Even physics codifies it as measures of duration.
The reality is that change turns future to past. Potential>actual>residual. Tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns. Duration is this state, as events come and go.
Consequently there is only this physical state of presence and its changing configuration creates time. So it is foolish to assume the future has been determined, before it occurs, as it is entirely within this state that all the input into every event arrives and is computed. Even if the laws governing the output are absolute, the input cannot be fully known, prior to the occurrence of the event.
While our reaction time is generally much quicker than organized thought, much of reality occurs at the speed of light, so it is the executive function of the mind to digest such information, in order that our future reactions are better informed. Feedback.
As Alan Watts put it; “The wake doesn’t steer the boat, the boat creates the wake.”