Both the individual and the herd have their pros and cons. Basically nodes versus networks. The network becomes a node in a larger context, as the individual is composed of networks of emotions and interactions, somewhat coalescing as individual experience.
I think the greater problem is that we have an ideals based culture in a conceptually binary reality. Where the two sides of the coin serve to balance out each other, yet each side assumes it is on the path to nirvana.
Consider reality as the relationship between energy and form; Energy expands, as form coalesces. Galaxies are energy radiating out, as mass/form coalesces in. Our bodies have the digestive, respiratory od circulatory systems to process the energy driving us on, along with the central nervous system to sort through and process the information created in all the interaction, so that we can select a course of action.
Society is that raw organic energy pushing out, as cultural and civil forms coalesces in. Roughly equivalent to the political polarities of liberal and conservative.
The result be the feedback of forms into processes, directing their actions, like motor and steering.
Those individuals caught up in systems and herds they might reject, if viewed more objectively, are manifesting their own limits and weaknesses. Which are a fact of life. Life is a test. We all want to use our energies to push the envelope a little further and many fail. Not all acorns get to be oak trees.