But, but, but? Isn't Western culture all about the big pot of gold/god at the end of the narrative arc?
If there really is two sides to every coin, how are we to know which is the right side?
Do we harmonize, or synchronize?
The feedback loops are building to this hellacious shriek and there are no circuit breakers.
How deep do the cracks go, before we hit bedrock? Or it just that abyss, staring back?
It seems like everyone is pouring fuel on the fire and the only option is to step a little further back. Unless someone throws you on the fire.
The only thing holding this culture of workers and consumers together is the dollar, so they just pour more in, with no way to pull out the excess, other than to borrow it and pay ransom for the right to what is fundamentally a public utility.
The secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth.
The rest of us are just the passthrough.