Causation would be energy exchange/tranformation. As in the bat hitting the ball causes it to fly away.
Though our process of perception is sequential/episodic. Yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Though yesterday doesn't cause today, nor today causing tomorrow. The sun shining on a rotating planet(cause) creates this "effect" we call days.
So what we perceive are the effects of causation. Then we try to re-engineer from our perceptions, the cause. Which presumably leads back in time, though time is an effect of change.
The chicken/egg progression is sequential, but is it causal? Does one wave cause the next, or does the underlaying dynamic create the sequence of waves?
So "humanity" is not causal, but descriptive, noun, not verb. "Narrative based culture" would be adjective, as further description. Narrative is not causal, as in flow of energy, but episodic. The reference points emerging from this dynamic. Yesterday, today...
The point I'm probably making is that description is a poor basis for understanding causality. Epicycles were great math, as description of our view of the cosmos, but the crysalline spheres were lousy physics, as explanation. Similarly General Relativity is great math, but "spacetime" is lousy physics. It would be like saying "volumetemperaturepressure" is the physical cause of ideal gas laws.
Similarly, particles/waves are descriptive, not explanatory.
Then when the field goes off into multiworlds and time traveling through wormholes in the fabric of spacetime, we are in the land of unicorns and dragons.
Bullshit is what I call it, not lies. The imagination given the mantle of authority, like religion.