Christianity has certainly made a religion out of violence as well. Now Zionism seems determined to catch up.
The problem with monotheism is that ideals are not absolutes. When one's ideals are assumed to be absolute, there is no negotiation.
In a person, it would be diagnosed as obsessive/compulsive. The feedback loops don't have circuit breakers. Like an addiction.
It can be a very powerfully motivating concept, but the eventual consequence is the wave does crash.
And the bigger it is, the harder it crashes.
We are linear, goal seeking organisms in a cyclical, circular, reciprocal, feedback generated reality. It's like we haven't yet internalized the implications of the earth being round, not flat.
The "go forth and multiply" is reaching the edge of the petri dish and eventually we will have to come to terms with that circularity.
The problem is death and fear of death makes people try to see beyond it, so religions make lots of promises.
Yet the spiritual absolute is the essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which we fell. The light shining through the film, than the stories playing out on it. So it is that connectivity with life as a larger organism, that gets us beyond death.
Like a sentence, the end is punctuation. What matters is how well we tie the rest of the story together.
Consider how much defending Israel gives you purpose. Yet everyone else has missions that make them part of something larger.
As such, these beliefs put their adherents on the same wavelength. Basically making them one.
As such, the communities function as larger social super organisms. Yet organisms exist in larger ecosystems, which eventually harmonize across infinity.
So there is that constant interplay between synchronization and harmonization.