Climate change is an effect. Applying a bandaid to it isn’t as effective as trying to figure out the causes.
For one thing, humanity has been in a growth model for the last hundred thousand years, as in; “Go forth and multiply.”
We are going to eventually have to question our current ideals based, linear paradigm and accept nature is cyclical and we need a more reciprocal paradigm.
On a more practical level, we need to start treating money as the contract which it is and not a commodity to save and store. As a contract, with one side an asset and the other a debt, it makes a very useful medium, but lousy store, as equal debt has to be created. So our entire economy has metastasized from capital as the efficient transfer of value, sustaining a healthy society, to the manufacture of notational wealth as an end in itself.
Efficiency is to do more with less, so the ideal of efficiency would be to do everything with nothing.
Feedback is a fact and when we have a philosophy based on that, maybe we wouldn’t try pushing our bubble of life beyond its bursting point.