Consider that galaxies are energy radiating out, as structure coalesces in.
Consider how our minds sort signal from the noise, as what resonates and synchronizes with our prior knowledge. Basically on the same wavelength.
Which is effectively centripetal. Like gravity.
Civics and culture, as the focus and structure of any society, are like a gravitational center.
Try to imagine any society, without such traditions, structures, ideals, icons, tribal totems, etc. to give it focus and direction, especially in time of chaos.
Look to the political dichotomy of conservative and liberal. Conservatism tends to be focused inward. Centripetal.
While liberalism tends to radiate out, networking with all the other nodes across the networks.
If you only had that liberal dynamic, it would all just be ambient energy, with no focal points. No stars or planets. No civilizations.
So yes, culture does need that locus of structure, to hold it together.
Yet there are multitudes of points of light, scattered across infinity.
It is time to take the next step.
One is the node.
Oneness is the network.
God is the desire driving us on.
The light shining through the film, than the stories playing out on it.
Wisdom is that old bitch with the stick.
Trial and error.