Consider that the mind, this sentient interface our body has with its environment, functions as a sequence of perceptions, in order to navigate, as we are mobile organisms.
This creates our experience of time as this presence going past to future.
Though the evident reality is that activity and the resulting change turns future to past. Tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns.
The West and the East have different concepts of time.
We in the West tend to think of the future in front of us and the past behind, because we see ourselves as distinct, individual entities moving through space, from past events to future ones.
The Eastern and Native American view is of the past in front of the observer and the future behind, because the past is known and what is in front is seen, while the future is unknown and that is behind is unseen. Which accords with the physical fact that we do see events after they occur, then the energy, light, goes to other events and observers.
As Eastern philosophy is more contextual and process oriented, while Western philosophy is more object and pattern oriented. Nouns versus verbs.
It is difficult to capture the processes in a still painting. Impressionism tries.