Having grown up raising, breaking and training race horses, as well as riding a motorcycle my whole life, my understanding and respect for physics is in not getting hurt too often. With the various broken knees, collar bones, ribs, feet, dislocated shoulder, getting epilepsy at 29, I have had the limits fairly well impressed on me.
Though there was a particular incident in my early 20’s, were it did seem the tape had been cut, pieces rearranged and I wasn’t dead, that I tend to give some credence to people who mention weird experiences. Not to mention too many close calls to mention, that I swear I’ve got a guardian angel.
What I raise as my most necessary, beyond normal practice is seeing other’s consciousness expressed in my vision. Others describe them as “floaters” and dismiss them as flaws in the vision, but having sensed them as others attention onto my particular bubble of awareness, from a fairly early age, I’ve tended to turn my mind into an antenna to such patterns in my vision, which also reflect my own thoughts, animal attention and various other aspects of consciousness.
We all carry these wireless devices in our pockets, that extract lots of information from the radiation, so why, after a billion years of evolution, wouldn’t our minds have developed something similar. The light is a wireless connection and we do only consciously extract a minimum of potential information from it, while sub-consciously extracting a bit more, such as when making eye-contact with other people.
For instance, consider the classic heart shape as a floater with a line running through it, pulling it toward you.
Not to go too weird, as it’s not usually acceptable, but I’ve spent my life pushing the boundaries.