Education really is, for better or worse, indoctrination. This was occurring to me by middle school.
The fact is that everyone, even me, are herd animals, to one extent or another. Most people though, are not going to question the direction of the herd, unless they have serious reason to do so. For one thing, the consequence is ostracism, hemlock, cross, stake, cancelled, locked up. As oppposed to shutting up and going with the program. Those with the greatest power to change things are those most satisfied with the way things are. Catch 22.
I think it's safe to say, our lives are seriously digitized, monetized, quantified, recorded already. That is the shell, the box we are building. The problem is that if the forces being boxed in are more powerful than the structure of the box, it will get messy.
Though there are lots of layers and feedback. those mostly getting crushed underfoot are not the most objective and intelligent, creating the deporables syndrome, where those with some degree of education feel compelled to join the politically correct.
Yet those are the people who make the world work, from farmers to truck drivers and they have lost respect for the system. That's the force the box won't be able to hold. You are talking millions of years of evolution, versus a hundred years of information age.
Not to mention the degrees to which the elites have built out this abstraction, with enormous bullshit, from a debt based economy, focusing on surface identity issues and assuming the deeper realities will follow. For instance, most immigrants are likely to be very conservative and would be considered deplorables, if they were white.
That sex can just be fudged over and it won't create any social blowback. The reality is that when you open that can of worms, lots more equally primal issues will also bubble out.
Basically give them all the rope they want, since they are intent on running off the cliff.