Eventually it is going to require a metaphysical outcome.
Ideals are not absolutes.
To the Ancients, gods were ideals, metaphors, memes. The tools of communication and public discourse. Gods of love, war, sea, sun, beauty, even self centeredness.
While the universal is the elemental. The essence from which we rise, not the ideals to which we aspire.
To this mind set, monotheism equated with monoculture. One people, one rule, one god.
The ideal of that tribal soul, guardian angel, pulled the Jews through some tough times. Yet at its core, it is still tribalism.
It started to get past its sell by date with the Roman Empire, when all the various tribes had to establish their places in that larger network and pecking order.
It was the very fact that the Jews refused to go along, was why the Romans kicked them out the first time.
When the entire culture is centered around its specialness and everyone else being second string, it is the sort of thing that does get you beat up on the playground.
The fact is that there are angels and assholes in all creeds, cultures and colors and when the assholes are leading the way, things are going in the wrong direction.
It isn't just the Jews, Christians and Muslims have their own versions of monotheism, with their own sets of ideals as absolutes.
Morality is not absolute, because if it were, it could not be transgressed, like a temperature below absolute zero.
Morals are the codes, habits, behaviors, creeds that enable a functioning and healthy society.
There are a lot of people, of all creeds, appalled by what is happening in Gaza and when those images are being branded into the minds of a whole generation, around the world, it is not going to be forgotten.
Any healing has to look far beyond current convention. Our habits and beliefs are what led us to this. They are what needs questioning.