For me, it is really hard to take someone seriously, if they have a poor knowledge of history.
Europe has invaded Russia twice. Russia basically took over Eastern Europe after the last time, World War 2. When they left, it wasn't because they were militarily defeated, but that they just got tired of the hassle and cost.
Europe needs a boogyman, or they start fighting among themselves. Why would Russia want to invade Europe again? For the pretty castles? The arrogant people? They already have more land and resources than they know what to do with.
This is all just a freak show and Ukraine is screwed.
When the Neo-cons said they wanted to turn it into another Afghanistan, to poke the Russia bear, the Ukrainians should have looked at how it turned out for the Afghanis.
I would like to see Vicky Nuland stand before a tribunal of Ukrainian mothers and widows. She would be lucky to get off with a stoning.
I've been making book on when we helicopter off that embassy roof, since it started. It's getting close.
You can't cure stupid, you just have to beat it back with a stick occasionally.