For one thing, I think the Big Bang theory is seriously logically flawed. If relativistic space were to actually expand, the speed of light would have to increase, in order to remain constant, yet that would negate the doppler effect still being assumed;
Here is an interesting paper, pointing out that one way light does redshift over distance, is as multi spectrum light "packets," as the higher frequencies dissipate faster. Yet that would mean we are sampling a wave front, not observing individual photons of light that traveled billions of years;
Here is an interview with someone who tried to argue wave action is elemental and quantization is more a consequence of the measuring apparatus;
Here is an experiment, observing the same;
"Are cyclical microsomic patterns in nature like microfractals which represent the macrofractal behavior?"
Consider as well the dynamic creating the patterns. How energy pushes out through the cracks and weak spots in the prior layers of structure, like generations of lives. Then each subject to the conditions of the moment, referencing the genetic structures encoded in it. Then as structure increases, relative to energy, this layer stabilizes and hardens, so the energy seeks out other pathways and weak spots. Cycling through similar patterns.