For the same reason we exist as multicellular organisms and not just pools of single celled organisms.
Colonies of single celled organisms will grow until they fill out their resources, boundaries, petri dish, then collapse. Multicellular organisms sense and navigate their situations.
Government functions as nervous system, while money and banking serve as blood and circulation system.
The border is the skin, letting in what is healthy and nourishing and resisting predations and infections.
So as cells in this larger social super organism, we tend to resent government trying to tell us what to do, while worshipping the money that abstractly fulfills our desires and needs. Though not evolved enough to understand that medium and store are distinct functions, like blood and fat, so we all try to store as much money individually, rather than as collective infrastructure and healthy environments.
The medium has become the message.
To store the asset side of the ledger requires a debt on the other side.
So the secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth.
Given that is going parabolic, the US dollar will likely hyper inflate in the coming decades, if not years, then local and state institutions will have to start issuing local currencies and necessarily police their use. So then foreign policy is between Texas and California, etc.
Welcome to reality on this little blue dot.