Given that culture is social coding, will the next series of changes be to keep adding patches to the old, or step back and do a rewrite?
To culture, good and bad are some cosmic conflict between the forces of righteousness and evil, while in nature, it's the basic biological binary of beneficial and detrimental, the 1/0 of sentience.
That is because it is the function of culture to synchronize society into one larger organism, based on the same languages, rules and measures. Yet any organism exists in some larger ecosystem, where the building up and breaking down of these singular entities results in some larger harmony.
So there is this dichotomy of synergy, pulling in, as energy radiates out. Like galaxies, structure coalesces in, as energy radiates out. Nodes in the network, organisms in the ecosystem, particles in the field.
I would also note that capitalism is not actually synonymous with free markets, given that if the medium enabling markets is privately held, we are all just tenant farmers to the banks.
As these linear, goal oriented creatures, in a cyclical, circular, reciprocal, feedback generated reality, people see money as signal to save and store, while markets need it to circulate. Consequently Econ 101 refers to money as both medium of exchange and store of value, yet their different functions are not recognized. For instance, blood is a medium, while fat, as well as bone and muscle are stores. Roads are a medium, while parking lots are a store. The hallway is a medium, the hall closet is a store.
So in our culture, the medium has become the message. The tool has become the god.
The fact is that as a medium, we own money like we own the section of road we are on, or the air and water flowing through out bodies. It's not our picture on it, we don't hold the copyrights and most importantly, are not responsible for its value, like a personal check.
It is the quintessential public utility.
Safe to say, our current culture is very far away from recognizing the fact of this basic reality, but hopefully we will continue to progress, before totally destroying ourselves.