The Big Bang theory cannot be falsified, as whenever there is a gap between prediction and observation, some enormous force of nature is inserted and all is well.
What if accountants could just write in a figure and call it “dark money,” whenever they found a gap in the books? It would certainly make their job easier.
Before Inflation, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, the earliest patch was when they discovered that redshift increases proportionally in all directions. Which makes us appear to be at the center of this expansion.
So it was changed from an expansion in space, to an expansion of space, because spacetime!
Which totally ignores the central premise of General Relativity, that the speed of flight is measured as a Constant, in any frame. If intergalactic light is being redshifted, obviously it is not Constant to intergalactic space!
There are two metrics being derived from the same light, one based on its speed and the other based on its redshift. Since the expansion is being denominated in lightyears, ie, more lightyears, as it expands, that means the underlaying assumption remains the speed of light is the real “ruler.”
I could go over this in various ways, but someone recently, as in this morning, wrote me a tart reply to this observation, so I don’t feel it to be out of place to link the comment;
As you will see, in my reply to the comment, he is still assuming some underlaying “vacuum,” as the basis for the speed of light, even though assuming space itself is expanding.
Here is an essay I wrote, trying to lay out the argument;
Here is a paper I reference. Making the point that multi spectrum “light packets” do redshift over distance, as the higher spectrums dissipate faster;
h ttps://
I put a space between h and ttp, otherwise the whole paper will download.