Government, as executive and regulatory function, is analogous to the central nervous system, while money and banking mirror blood and the circulation system.
The problem with public government and private banking is it gives the bankers the upper hand, since they have less and less oversight and don't have to work around election cycles.
Consequently the one thing the puppets, prostitutes and psychopaths allowed to fill the government seats are good at, is running up the public debt. Which the banks need to function.
The wars are just an efficient way to make it go away, so more can be borrowed.
While people tend to see money as a signal to extract and store, as an economic medium, it functions as a contract and accounting device. So to store the asset side of the ledger, a debt has to be generated.
The secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth.
While Econ 101 describes money as store of value and medium of exchange, remember blood is a medium, while fat is a store.
As a medium, we own money like we own the section of road we are using, or the air and water flowing through our bodies. It's not our picture on it, we don't hold the copyrights and most importantly, are not responsible for its value, like a personal check.
Michael Hudson wrote a good book some years ago, called; Forgive Them Their Debts. About how the Ancients devised debt jubilees as a circuit breaker, to keep the feedback loop of wealth and power leveraging more wealth and power from sucking the society dry. Yet here we are, 3000 years later, stuck in the same rut.
The problem this creates for wealth and power is that government, as the decision making function, is inherently centripetal, while banking, as the resource allocation function, is centrifugal, so without an adequate decision making function, this dynamic has all the strategic aptitude of bacteria racing across a petri dish. All desire and no judgement.
So while it is evident the West is getting close to the mother of all reality checks, those children left to make the decisions can only double down on the delusions.
In the historical record, the bankers are now having their very own; "Let them eat cake." moment.
Otherwise either disaster capitalism keeps cannibalizing the societies that gave birth to it and we return to a form of neofeudalism, or, like the Russians with Putin and the Chinese with Xi, we go back to some private form of government.
The heart can only tell the hands and feet they don't need so much blood and should work harder for what they do get, for so long, before the whole system breaks down.