Having grown up around more horses and cattle, than people, my sense is reality is more yin and yang, than God Almighty, so that might be an issue as well.
Democracy and republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures. The family and cycle of life as godhead. The young god, born in the spring, to the old sky god and the earth mother. Though by the Age of the Olympians, Zeus didn't give way to Dionysus. Tradition prevailed over renewal. Much as the old are loathe to give way to the young. Which provided fertile ground for the story of Jesus to take hold across the region.
Though by the time Rome adopted it as state religion, it too had started to calcify, so the monotheism provided validation for the Empire rising from the ashes of the Republic. The Big Guy Rules. With the origins of the Trinity shrouded in the Holy Ghost, because the Catholic Church didn't do renewal, or women, for that matter.
When the West went back to democracy and republicanism, it required separation of church and state, culture and civics.
Ancient Israel was a monarchy. The Big Guy rules. Sort of like the religion.
When the entire world was the Sinai Desert, having a guardian spirit was useful. Even when dealing with other tribes, that your Big Daddy was badder than their Big Daddy was useful.
Yet keep in mind the Ten Commandments, the Convent with God, is basically rules for a functional society. Don't argue with that tribal spirit, don't mess with your neighbor's wife, or take his stuff, etc. Not quite trial by a jury of one's peers, freedom of speech, etc, but a necessary start. Though other chapters have been added, as civilization evolved; The Magna Carta, The US Constitution, for example.
Having their God happen to be the grain of sand at the center of the pearl of Western Civilization hasn't really been a huge benefit to the Jewish tribe.
The dynamic creating the current situation comes from Europe being geographically broken up. Mountains, peninsulas, rivers, the channel, seas, islands, etc. So the national definitions have been more a function of geography as core tribe affinities. Which enabled long term animosities to be established.
Asia, on the other hand, is much more geographically open, so it has been more about tribal affinities, but also the networking between these groups is far more organic and fluid.
So what Judaism enabled in Europe, was that Jews became an integral part of the networking. The traders, bankers, doctors, lawyers, intellectuals, that connected all the nations. Basically the origins of Western, liberal cosmopolitanism.
Meanwhile the Jews that remained in Asia didn't have that option, so remained far more tribal.
Which is that tension in Israel, between the centripetalism of the tribalists and the centrifugalism of the cosmopolitanists.
Given that monotheism was the eschatological basis for monarchy, as both monarchy and monotheism faded one the last couple of centuries, there was no organic code strong enough to replace having that Almighty God as the moral policeman, so the Will to Power rose to fill the void. Basically Might is Right.
Leaving this situation where the community tokens, aka, the money, has become the main locus of Western culture.
Given the only way to store the asset side of the ledger is to generate a debt to back it, this culture has been increasingly hollowed out, to generate the debt to back the illusion of wealth.
I suspect we will find that Israel is just one room in that collapsing building.