Having lived through the last 8 years of Trump derangement syndrome, the story amounts to a lot of projection by the establishment, from Russiagate, to impeaching him for questioning the Biden's corruption in Ukraine, to all the questionable activities around the election, the degree to which Jan 6th was facilitated to cover up those issues, etc. Covered over by endless shrieking about how he is the end of the world, has been way over the top.
Frankly the first time around, he was about as in over his head as Carter, but they could only dredge up Biden to throw at him, given the bench was so thin.
That wikileaks published the DNC leaks, given them by Seth Rich, was as much a reason Assange was hounded nearly to death, as the Iraq leaks. They certainly inconvenienced far more powerful people, than Abu Graib did.
Basically he got into the 16 primaries as a brand advertisement and the media thought he would be a good tool to take down Jeb Bush, as the Republican favorite, so they focused half the coverage on him, as the clown in the show.
Remember the country had voted for Mr Hope and Change, who promptly threw hundreds of thousands of homeowners under the bus to save the banks. "Foaming the runway." as they so eloquently put it. Then sufficient numbers of those voters switched to Trump, as the next outsider, to beat Hillary.
Trump then only had a slate of insiders and Zionists to appoint, from Bolten and Pompeo, to Pence, that he was seriously undercut from doing much of anything from the start. Not that he really had a clue what he was doing in the first place.
Keep in mind it has been going off the rails since WW2. It was Eisenhower that coined the term, "military industrial complex." Apparently he wanted to call it the congressional military industrial complex, but was compelled to delete that.
One of the things Trump promised the first time around, was releasing the rest of the files on the Kennedy assassination, but they seriously put the fear of god in him over that.
So for those of us who have been following this shit show for a long time, the fact he is still standing is a bit of a miracle. That he is a clown is beside the point. It might even be part of why he seems to dance so close to the edge and not fall. Yet.
For the next 5 months, the shrieking will go parabolic, but then the rest of the situation is about to hit the fan, as well. Ukraine is finally waking up to the degree they are a tethered goat. Europe is equally delusional, if not more so. They don't have a Trump, other than Orban. Israel can't afford to attack Hezbollah and Netanyahu can't afford not to. The markets seem to be in a late stage bubble. The only thing the government can do, to keep all the balls in the air, is to keep issuing exponential debt.
Will we make it to 2025?
How about 2030?