How about starting an Assange/Manning 2024 write-in candidacy?
Obviously the Dems are only going to allow another corporate stooge, if not try to animate Biden again and the Republicans will win the house and senate in 22, which means they are going to run Russiagate in reverse, from Hunter to Hillary, but that only means they can't dump Trump. Then Assange will be in pretrial hearings and a trial for the next couple of years, making him the prime evidence and focus of the overwhelming corruption running everything.
Consider the posters;
Assange and Manning; They looked the Beast in the eye and didn't blink.
Assange, Trump and Biden; Who would you trust with the future of your children?
They can drink the hemlock, get nailed to the cross, burned at the stake, tortured, shot, thrown in jail for life, but history doesn't forget the ones who stood up for what's right.
Assange and Pompeo; Who is the Jedi and who is the storm trooper?
The shit is coming. Might as well make the best of it.