I don't know that we need to go so far as a quantum theory of time, anymore than we need a quantum theory of temperature, or pressure, or color, or sound. Basically they can all be explained in terms of frequencies and amplitudes.
Time is frequency. History is amplitude.
While I agree future potential is infinite, or a very large cone of possibilties, maybe we do need to acknowledge the past, as residue, is also nearly infinitely malleable. Especially given the degree to which people with different perspectives try to influence the interpretation of it.
If there was a better understanding of the inherent non-linear, cyclical, reciprocal and feedback driven dynamic, we might better appreciate how this kaleidoscope actually functions and not spend so much time over whose narratives are right and whose are wrong. Nature is so diverse and dense, because it isn't a monoculture.
People, on the other hand, tend to act on the principle of winner take all. Winners write the history books. Who controls the past, controls the present.