I find vision and compassion to be in conflict.
The amount of personal agony in the world quickly overwhelms any human ability to figure out deep causes and effects. The heat obscures the light. Whiteout.
If we truly want to connect to that larger reality, we need to understand it, otherwise we do just get pushed around by those tidal forces and vortices of millions and billions of people.
The larger the crowds, the lower the common denominators.
Morality, for example, isn't absolute, as it couldn't be transgressed, if it were. Like a temperature below absolute zero. Morals are the ideals, the habits, beliefs, relationships, codes, etc. that enable a healthy and vital community.
These are not simple. Often short term desires are not conducive to long term health.
The anarchies of desire, versus the tyrannies of judgment.
To culture, good and bad are right and wrong, but in the larger reality, they are the basic biological binary of beneficial and detrimental. The 1/0 of sentience.
Too much good can be bad. The wave crests when we are most intoxicated and positive feedback becomes negative.
While our cognitive functions are very much an adaptation to dealing with the bad, than basking in the good. No pain, no gain.
Cultures tend to be the stories we tell children, to get them to behave.
So yes, it very much is a personal journey and the stumbling blocks are what teach us to climb.
Life is like a sentence. The end is punctuation. What matters, is how well you tie the rest of the story together.
One is the node. Oneness is the network.
Like galaxies, the energy radiates out, while the structure coalesces in. We are the tight little feedback loops somewhere in the middle.
The light we see, reflected off the surfaces around us, is what is reflected, not absorbed. Our world is others noise.
"Entangled particles."