I suspect one of the first realizations will be that our current Big Bang cosmology is as flawed as geocentrism.
That the principle of falsification doesn't apply and patches can just be added, whenever there is some enormous gap between prediction and observation, should be a hint something is wrong, yet the belief of the field is total.
One of the first patches, before Inflation, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, was when they realized cosmic redshift increases with distance in all directions. Which would mean, that if this is basic doppler effect and those sources are simply moving away in space, we would have to be at the exact center of the universe.
Instead it was decided that space itself is expanding, because "spacetime!"
Which totally ignores the basic, simple fact that if space were to expand relativistically, the speed of light would have to increase proportionally, in order to remain CONSTANT!
Two metrics of space are being derived from the same intergalactic light. One based on the speed and one based on the spectrum. The speed is still being used as the denominator, or it would be a "tired light" theory.
Although it is safe to say that all of theoretical physics will resist upsetting the model, because one way light does redshift over distance alone, is as "packets," because the higher frequencies dissipate faster.
Yet that would mean the quantification of light is a function of absorption by the material used to measure it. A "loading" theory of quantization.
So that we are sampling a wave front, not observing individual photons, after they have traveled billions of lightyears.
That would send shockwaves through the physics community and eventually the entire academic structure, of which they are seen as the gods.
But then our entire society seems to be getting a big, fat reality check in the mail.