I think one of the more basic fallacies to overcome is the idea of quantization as foundational, rather than emergent. That our macro devices can only register light at thresholds doesn't mean the light itself is these quantities, but it simply takes that much to tip the scales, so to speak. Sort of like it takes a certain amount of water to form a drip is emergent from contextual factors, such as gravity.
Consider that when you add things together, say ingredients of a cake, you have one cake and when you slice it, you're not cutting one slice as the flour, one as the water, one as the sugar, etc. Similarly if you pour two cups of water in a glass, then pour them back out as two cups, they weren't the same molecules of water each time. So what 1+1=2 really means is if you add two sets of one, you have one set of two.
So when photons get entangled, then separated, a similar mixing has occurred. As I've observed elsewhere, one way light does redshift over distance is as multi spectrum "packets," as the higher frequencies dissipate faster, so this would explain cosmic redshift as sampling the wave front, as the photons we observe, rather than the distinct photons that exited the processes at their sources traveling separately for billions of lightyears.
So then when you look at how much information our phones can transmit/receive, versus the sea of light we exist in and as, the real mystery isn't so much that we can communicate "telepathically," given these little flat devices do it quite well, but simply being able to sort the information out, in any viable manner.
In fact, my sense is much effort goes to instinctively shielding our thoughts from each other, as a function of individuating ourselves, for quite a number of reasons, from safety, to having to edit useful information from excess information, aka, noise.
What if your phone didn't sort? It wouldn't work.