I think taking a step back and framing this from a scientific point of view, then applying it to politics is a very useful way to understand what is happening, rather than being caught up in the emotions.
That said, I think we can step even further back;
Consider that galaxies are energy radiating out, as structure coalesces in.
This is a very simple analogy, if not basis, for our political dichotomy.
Liberalism is about that energy, pushing out, like the energies of youth.
Conservatism is the structures, civil and cultural, that stand the test of time, even if they seem incoherent, like religious paradigms, where it seems more important to believe, than any coherence of those beliefs.
That is because that centripetal dynamic goes back thousands of years, to when our paradigms were much more simplistic, but each generation builds on what came before them, as those built on what came before them.
So unlike science, where the paradigm occasionally breaks, cultures can only patch.
Consider that what our minds pick out as signal is what resonates and synchronizes with our prior knowledge. Essentially the same process by which societies build knowledge. This process starts in very early childhood, as our nature interacts with its nurture. Safe to say, for most people, there is no paradigm shift along the way. Maybe a fair number of breakdowns and resets, opportunities opening up, but our core sense of self has those foundational frames, much like a mother tongue.
So any serious change not only requires some enormous breakdown in the foundations, but often takes a few generations for them to fully process.
As someone who grew up around more horses and cattle, than people, I realized fairly early in life that much of what passes for education is more indoctrination, than enlightenment, so I've tended to keep some perspective on how culture functions.
For one thing, to culture, good and bad are treated as some cosmic conflict between the forces of righteousness and evil, when in reality, it is the basic biological binary of beneficial and detrimental. The 1/0 of sentience.
So the purpose of culture is to get society functioning as one larger social super organism, using the same languages, rules, measures, beliefs, etc.
While nature is more an enormous computational process, where all the factors and feedback generate these multitudes of organisms and ecosystems.
The essence of the organism, is synchronization. Everything working as one, on the same "wavelength."
The essence of the ecosystem is harmonization, as all the various waves rise and fall across infinity, creating a larger balance.
As these social super organisms, we tend to create boundaries, just as we have skin. We can let in other people and interact with other societies, but if it starts to set off an immune response, it is wise to step back a bit and figure out why, not just doing more of what is causing that.
It goes to how culture and reality treat good and bad. There are a lot of extremely complex processes going on in society, just as there are complex processes going on in our own bodies and we ignore tham at our own peril.
When liberals run amok, it becomes like a forest fire and any structure or order becomes one more obstacle to overcome. To the point puberty becomes a fascist plot.
When conservatives run amok, it all spirals into that vortex in the middle and the priesthood rules. In our case, the Gods of Mammon. Profit trumps quality and the wheels start falling off the airplanes.
Not to mention what it does to society, when one's status is a function of what one can extract, not what one adds. That is really necrotic.
The simple fact is, our little blue dot is in the middle, where the feedback between the energy and the order is most complex.
The anarchies of desire, versus the tyrannies of judgement.
The gut processes the energy, the head processes the information.
It might be politics all the way down, but it's economics all the way up.