I think that if you really want to understand what is happening, you need to look far beyond the current situation, or even its historical precedents, to the foundations of Western culture.
For one thing, the logical fallacy of monotheism is that ideals are not absolutes!
To the Ancients, gods were metaphors, ideals, memes. In that world, monotheism basically meant monoculturalism. One people, one rule, one god.
Democracy and republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures.
Constantine adopted Christianity for the monotheism, as he was bringing the sides of the Empire together. The Big Guy Rules. Divine right of kings, as opposed to consent of the governed. Ancient Israel was a monarchy.
Religions are like the childhood memories of culture. They might be foundationally important, but still need to be taken with a grain of salt on occasion.
I could go on, but most people seem to have a brain freeze by this point, so I'll post my last two essays;