I think we need to step back and actually ask what government really is.
Basically, as the executive and regulatory function of society, it is fairly analogous to the body's central nervous system. The function of which is to sort among the varied impulses of the body and options available to it, in order to chose the most beneficial course of action.
Now we would all like it not to have to make such dreadful decisions, as whether to have our cake, or eat it, but that is life. When it comes to actual individuals among very large numbers, these decisions can have an overwhelming effect. You might be the one eaten, not the one saved. Consequently those not directly involved in government tend to be somewhat leery of its powers over the rest of society and try to find ways to balance out and otherwise limit its powers.
There is another, equally foundational dynamic in society, that of money and banking. Given it provides the medium enabling society to economically function, trading resources around most effectively, it is analogous to blood and the circulation system.
What we currently have, is a system where government is a public utility, while banking is privately owned and managed.
Suffice to say, when the medium enabling markets is privately held, we are all tenant farmers to the banks.
Given they are not subject to the same levels of oversight and don't have to work around election cycles, banking has the upper hand, over government.
To the degree it has minimized any serious oversight, even though the system is publicly insured.
In case no one has noticed, the one thing those puppets and actors allowed in government are really, really good at, is running up the public debt.
What also gets overlooked, is this debt is essential to the functioning of the banks.
We are linear, goal oriented creatures in a cyclical, circular, feedback generated reality, so while markets need money to circulate, people see it as signal to extract and store. Yet money is not actually a commodity to mine from the economy, so much as it's the social contract enabling it. Therefore, in order to store the asset side of the ledger, a debt has to be generated.
So while the purpose of life under capitalism is to collect and store as many of these chits as possible, it means ever more have to be added and ever more metastatic methods of storing what have been extracted have to be devised.
Which is where all that public debt comes in useful. While the stock market gets all the attention, the real money is in bonds, much of which are public. So the secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth.
Now anyone capable of balancing a checkbook knows, the government can never afford to pay off this debt and presumably will hyper inflate it away, thus bankrupting that particular institution.
Though what is likely to occur in the meantime, is the old boogyman of disaster capitalism/predatory lending will come home to roost and those with the biggest piles of public debt will insist on trading them for any remaining public assets, assisted by their toadies within government. That old public/private partnership reaching its final destination.
Then we get real neofeudalism, not just lousy leadership.