I would agree the left brain does the thinking, as in cause and effect logic, while the right brain does the feeling, as in pressure/temperature responsiveness.
Yet biology is finding some interesting connections between the gut and the brain. As I’ve argued before, there is a useful dichotomy between energy and the forms it is constantly manifesting, going to my argument about time.
That energy, being “conserved,” is the present and its changing configuration creates the effect of time. In that future/potential becomes past/residual.
So the process/energy goes past to future, while the patterns generated go future to past. Tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns.
So when we consider the relationship between consciousness and thoughts/feelings, consciousness is going past to future, while these mental patterns go future to past.
If we consider the source of the energy driving us, it starts in the gut, goes to the blood, which the heart circulates around. Thus appetite is related to desire. That which drives and powers us.
Not trying to start old issues, but this is how I’m seeing it, so to translate it to a more acceptable form, how about considering two billiard balls striking. While the balls continue onto future events, these particular events fade into the past. So the brain, as a physical entity, goes from past to future, while the mind is recording and reflecting on the events fading into the past.
Then using waves as analogy, the left, logical hemisphere likes clarity, so it sees frequency and amplitude, as the waves crest. Yet that is when the energy has started to recede, so we only clearly see what is past. So it is up to the barometer/thermostat of the emotions to feel the wave starting to build, thus sensing vague possibilities.
Not that I’m asking you to agree, but until someone can tell me what I have wrong and how to see it better and not just tell me I’m wrong, without giving reasons, I will continue to work with what I have.