I would think they are dependent on the dollar. It is the monopoly medium they control.
The purpose is to crush Russia, both by dragging them into war in Ukraine and making them a worldwide pariah.
The problem being the political forces don't quite appreciate how interconnected the economics are. Politics is inherently centripetal, while economics is centrifugal. Even if the big players are trying to accumulate the biggest piles of wealth, it still requires expanding around the world, in order to drain it of resources, but that involves political entanglements. Like having to unsanction Venezuela and Iran, at the same time the Saudis are making nice with the Chinese.
I think the Great Reset is their version of a rainbow colored pony. Fantasizing.
The reality check is starting to bubble up and they are going to have to change gears.
The problem with lots of enormous egos is it precludes serious long term thinking. Everyone has to stay one step ahead of the rest and understanding what and how others think means giving them respect.
We are linear and goal oriented, but nature is circular and cyclical. The reaction is equal and opposite, but outside the box.