If I may go a little weird on you, I’m not a Cartesian dualist. I think the consciousness is physically perceptible. What people refer to as “floaters” I realized were other’s consciousness connecting to my own. As a young child, I remember laying on the porch, studying this ant, when it stopped and there was this tiny cone of awareness waving around with its antennae. As I grew older and less personally egocentric, basically because it was too much effort around a bunch of other egotists, I pretty much have lived in that middle distance, where the energies swirl around, rather than concentrating on the details. So my sense is as I’ve said, there is some deeper element of cosnciousness shining through the state of presence, like light through a movie film. Sometimes it carries me along, sometimes I seem to be the one doing the steering.
Consider a floater, with a line running through it, pulling it toward you. The effect is the classic heart shape. The fact is that we all carry these devices in our pockets, that can communicate wirelessly, essentially using the light. Given we have been evolving for hundreds of millions of years, if not billions, doesn’t it seem possible we might have evolved some form of similar communication? I think that is something we lost, with civilization. That elemental group connectedness, as a larger organism. A true hive mind. Now we just have language.