If we thought of it in terms of waves, this would be the entirely common sense phenomena of synchronization.
What seems to be overlooked is that synchronization is inherently centripetal. As harmonization is centrifugal.
So if we have a process that draws energy in, it would become a particle. If we consider the relationship between this object/form and the centripetal effect creating it, it would resemble the relationship between mass and gravity.
While we assume gravity to be a property of mass, what if it's the other way around, that gravity, which is a centripetal effect, is the process creating the form of mass?
Remember all the excess gravitational effect, for which the accompanying mass is non-existant?
What if it is synchronization further out the energy spectrum, before the energy becomes identified as mass?
Then there is harmonization. The tendency for waves to spread out and balance. That would lead to fields and all their accompanying qualities.
Nodes and networks. Organisms and ecosystems. Galaxies and space. Equilibrium and infinity.
At the center of galaxies are black holes, which generate quasars out of what falls into them.
Quasars are like enormous lasers, which are synchronized light waves.